12 Zodiac Signs That Indcating Body Parts
12 Zodiac Signs That Indcating Body Parts
Its based of your lagna bhava in a horoscope, if anyThe first house - obesity, head, forehead, eyebrows, face, brain, hair, physical appearance, skin, pineal gland, pituitary gland
The second house - face, general vision, the right vision, neck, throat, teeth, tongue, nose, thyroid gland, larynx, hearing, Thyroid
The Third house - arms, shoulders, arms and shoulders of the connection part, the connection part of the neck, back, neck, nervous system
The Fourth house - the chest, heart, gastrointestinal tract and lungs, breasts, breast glands, lungs, thymus gland
The Fifth house - in the upper abdomen, spine, the back surface of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, adrenal gland
The Sixth House - abdomen, mucosal, spleen, stomach, intestines, nervous system, digestive system, lower back,
The Seventh House - adrenal, kidney, bladder, sexual organs, uterus, ovaries, girdle, lower back, hips,
The Eighth House - penis, vagina, internal, external genital parts, sperm, bursa, seeds, anus, groin muscles
The Ninth House - thigh areas, with the hips, thighs, kaimuttukkal, palms, fingers, nails.
The Tenth House - knees, legs, joints, bones, bone marrow, with leg bone.
The Eleventh House - Foot with the knee, lower thighs, knees, below the ankle
The Twelfth House - Foot Foot bone fasteners, feet, toes, nails.
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